Marriage to a U.S. citizen or a lawful permanent resident has significantly different requirements than marriage to someone who is not a U.S. citizen. Here are specific examples of where there are deviations so that you can learn more today.
You need to be married to a lawful permanent resident or citizen of the United States.
- The wedding ceremony must follow all local requirements for legality and recognition.
- USCIS considers the parties’ intentions to start a family together at the time of the marriage to be the essential factor in deciding whether or not the marriage is legal.
- You can not acquire immigration benefits by getting married under pretenses.
- For legal reasons (incest, numerous wives, etc.), the union cannot take place.
Minimum Required Income
- Your spouse must earn 125% of the federal poverty threshold as a US citizen or LPR.
- An affidavit of support from your spouse is required.
- A joint sponsor is allowed if the individual does not have an income equal to or greater than 125% of the federal poverty threshold.
Being ineligible for immigration is impossible.
- There are ten grounds for inadmissibility, including health, criminal history, previous removals, and more.
- None of these descriptions apply to you.
- Submit an I-130 petition to USCIS and wait for approval.
- Submit an Application for Change of Status or Consular Processing
Status Requirement Modifications
If you plan on tying the knot with a US citizen or LPR:
- Legal entry into the United States is required.
- You must be in the United States when you complete Form I-485.
If you plan on marrying a legal permanent resident, you must meet the following additional requirements:
- Visas should be readily available right now.
- Never engaged in any form of illegal employment while in the United States.
- No unauthorized stay in the United States
- You can not have come in on a visitor’s visa.
Procedures Needed for Consular Processing
If you plan on tying the knot with a US citizen or LPR:
Required to have a checkupAppointment at the consulate is required
If you plan on marrying a legal permanent resident, you must meet the following additional requirements:
Valid visas must be on hand.
Paperwork Needed to Obtain a Green Card by Marriage
Various supporting documents might accompany your claim for a green card via marriage. The specific documents you provide will vary depending on the nature of your relationship and the evidence at hand.
A certified translation must accompany all documents written in a language other than English.