Modern dentistry has changed dramatically with the introduction of dental implants, which can permanently resolve issues with missing teeth. Fairfield offers many advanced options in dental services as well. The basic concept of dental implants is to replace the lost functional and aesthetic capacity of the mouth.
However, in some cases, particularly those that may need dental implants, extensive surgical preparation of some teeth may be required. One of the most common preparatory procedures is the root canal.
Root canals are also essential in that they delay the need for extractions in teeth intended for use with a dental implant. You can book an appointment with a dentist in Fairfield, CA, which can significantly improve your oral health conditions.
Understanding Root Canals
A root canal refers to an operative dental procedure performed with the intention of saving a tooth that has been pulverized beyond recognition or infected.
Areas under a tooth, denoted the pulp chamber, consisting of nerves, arteries, and veins, can suffer inflammation or even infection due to advanced tooth decay, too many fillings, and even cracks in the tooth.
Furthermore, root canals are commonly considered when a tooth requires final restoration with some form of retention, such as in implants, even before the surgery section.
The Relevance of Root Canals in Paving the Way for Dental Implants.
It is well-recognized that implants, thankfully, are meant to replace lost teeth. This is not always the case where the bone tissue will be destroyed, and in this instance, placing the implant is more accessible and less invasive.
In the event that the intervened tooth is decay- or trauma- compromised but still viable, a root canal may be indicated in order to save that portion of the tooth. As such, these are the ways in which a root canal may indirectly prepare a person for dental implants:
1. Avoiding unplanned withdrawal of a tooth due to damage
The tooth should be amenable to a root canal and, as a result, not have to be removed for an immediate tooth extraction. This is because if the tooth is removed prematurely, there is a possibility of losing the supporting bone around that area over time. The good thing about the root canal procedure is that the tooth can stay in position, thus avoiding bone atrophy.
2. Bone Suppression
As a root canal procedure is performed, the treated tooth remains in situ even though it is devoid of any living tissue. The tooth root still exists in the mouth and helps to provide stimulation for the underlying bony architecture.
This helps prevent bone resorption, which generally occurs in the region following tooth removal. Following root canal treatment, the bone can still be kept active as the tooth is still present in the mouth, which helps prevent atrophy.
3. Long-Term Planning for Implants
There are instances when a tooth that had a root canal may, after some time, have to be removed due to other reasons, for example, when the remaining structure is fragile or the dental wearing is extensive.
However, doing a root treatment procedure beforehand is beneficial in that it helps prepare for even better conditions for tooth removal and the placing of the implant.
4. Infection Prevention
In the case of a tooth with volume loss due to infection, there is the risk of tissues surrounding such a tooth, including bone, being jeopardized. If such an infection is not treated, it may cause far-reaching effects and will compromise the specific area expected to house an implant.
With this, they perform root canal treatments, which remove the diseased tissue and prevent further extension, thereby cleaning up the oral cavity in general.
Book your appointment today!
The importance of endodontic treatment cannot be dismissed, considering that human health is not only tooth-oriented but also bone-oriented, especially with regard to the placement of implants. Root canals are an essential aspect in avoiding unnecessary losses and damages.