Web hosting company selection is to your business. But, just in case you don’t remember, here’s a refresher. Cheap web hosting may appear to be a fantastic value at first sight. Who doesn’t desire to make financial savings? However, as an internet business owner, there are some areas where you simply cannot afford to cut shortcuts.
Would you only use water in your car’s petrol tank to save money? That is exactly what you do when choosing a low-cost web hosting company. While you may be able to save money in other areas of your business, you do not want to do so with your web hosting firm for one simple reason: with free or low-cost web hosting businesses, you are nothing more than a number, just another website. You can check the best web hosting reviews on https://bestwebhosting4you.com/
Let’s look at how low-cost or no-cost web hosting firms make money and operate. To begin with, how are they able to provide such low prices? Is it possible to get free web hosting? There is just one solution: increase the volume. They host thousands of websites, some of which are smaller and some larger than yours.
Do you believe that with thousands of websites to host, they can provide you with the individualized care you deserve? Let me provide you with an answer to that question: they simply cannot. Why? Because the sheer quantity of sites hosted and the low prices make it an unprofitable business model. They cannot do so, practically speaking, from a business aspect. It would be counterproductive to their bottom line. Second, the majority of significant web hosting providers are lean and mean. That is, they do more with less in business 101.
They will not hire additional staff to serve more consumers if they can accomplish the same job with fewer people. Customer service will undoubtedly suffer as a result. However, they see this as a cost-benefit tradeoff they can compensate for through volume.
Let’s look at things from your perspective now (an online business owner). You’re well aware that time is money. You’ve undoubtedly figured by now that time is not on your side. As a result, whenever your website is unavailable, you lose money. Even 5 minutes is too long for people to be unable to access your website (potential customers). The Internet is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Is your web hosting firm aware of this? Is your business, more crucially, “just another website” to them when you have a problem? Or will they accept personal responsibility for the issue and work to resolve it as quickly as possible? How about some follow-up? Are you just another bloated website? Will they contact you again to ensure that you are a happy customer and that your site is working smoothly? Will they call you to follow up, or will they leave a voicemail? Or will they simply send an email, albeit an automated one?
Many Internet entrepreneurs make the mistake of selecting a low-cost web hosting provider to save money. Unfortunately, in the long run, it usually costs them more in terms of downtime, time spent waiting for responses from the hosting business, and lost clients. Here are six indicators that you’re “just another website” to your web hosting company:
Time – Do you have an “open door policy” at your web hosting company? Will they be able to answer your question, or will they direct you to their Help Page URL? Nothing aggravates an internet business owner more than phoning a web hosting firm for assistance and being directed to a URL. If your web hosting business treats you like this, you are nothing more than a number to them.
- Availability – Is your web hosting firm responsive to phone calls? Who will it be when they do? Sales? This is a huge red flag. A web hosting provider that knows you and cares about your business will not try to sell you something out of the blue, nor will they hide behind an answering machine or a salesperson. A cheap web hosting business will not recognize you by name; instead, they will recognize you by the domain you have with them.
- Business expertise – Does your web hosting firm understand your website’s requirements? Do they give a damn? Are they employing local high school students to answer the phones (who can’t help you)? Is your web hosting firm familiar with Internet marketing? If you’re with a cheap web hosting company, the answer is no because they operate on volume and can’t afford to be concerned about such things. It’s ironic, don’t you think, that you have a website in the first place because of the Internet?
- Marketing/Sales Techniques – How many services is your web hosting company trying to sell you as your business grows? How many emails do they send you attempting to get you to upgrade, pay in advance, and so on? What’s more, how do they make money? I’ll show you how: through aggressive marketing and sales techniques. It’s the only way for a low-cost web hosting firm to succeed because it’s all about the numbers. And you happen to be one of them.
- Relationship-Oriented – Do you desire a relationship with your web hosting provider, or do you want your money? I’m sure you’ve figured out the solution by now. In reality, cheap web hosting firms profit from increased sales. If one customer departs, so be it; they have enough volume to compensate. They simply don’t have the time, resources, or interest to ensure you are a happy, long-term customer.
- Patience – Many Internet entrepreneurs are unfamiliar with the ins and outs of web hosting. That’s very understandable. Do you speak to your web hosting company’s sales staff in plain English or “technospeak” that you don’t understand? Is it possible for them to explain everything to you? Or do they think you should know and get irritated when you ask more questions? Do they make you feel stupid or dumb, to put it bluntly? If you’re trying to give a web hosting firm your business and they treat you like a fool for asking questions, they might as well shout “Next!” Why would they do something like this? Because to them, your company is simply another website like https://bestwebhosting4you.com/.
In general, a business web hosting firm that provides personalized care and has answers to your questions (or ways to find those answers) will be more beneficial to your online business. Of course, it’s great to have a lot of alternatives, but it’s even better to have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your web hosting company prioritizes your business and its success.